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COP26 YRE 사진전 개최

DATE - November 03, 2021

제 26차 유엔기후변화협약 당사국총회(COP26) 블루존(Blue Zone)에서 환경교육재단 YRE 국제대회 사진전이 개최되었다.


COP26은 각국의 정상들이 모여 지구온난화 방지 대책을 논의하는 국제회의로, 현지 기준 10월 31일(일)부터 11월 12일(금)까지 글래스고에서 진행된다.


금번 사진전은 환경교육재단의 프로그램 중 하나인 청소년 환경리포터(Young Reporters for the Environment, YRE) 역대 국제대회 출품작 중 10점을 선정하여 진행되었다. YRE는 만 11-25세의 청소년들이 환경에 관한 다양한 주제와 문제들을 살펴보고, 이를 해결하기 위한 실천적 방법들을 사진, 기사, 영상의 형태로 제작하여 우리 사회에 전파하는 프로그램이다. 특히 선정된 10점의 작품 중에는 2018년 우승작인 한국 학생의 작품도 포함되어 있어 더욱 눈길을 끌고 있다.


다음은 COP26 YRE 사진전에 선정된 작품 목록이다.



1. Companionship

Let saplings and children grow together, let us add greens to our world!


Xue Fan / China

2. Garbage Feast

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the exponential increase of consuming disposable products was inevitable. The disposal of diversified and swelling waste leads to consequential harms to the earth: burning the waste pollutes the atmosphere; burying it degrades the soil; and marine litter destroys the aquatic ecosystem. The earth is cramming the garbage feast humans have prepared.


Wonjae Lee / Republic of Korea



3. Looking Back for a Solution of Today

Along the corridor of her 3-room apartment, my grandmother cares for her 16 vegetables. While she claims it is "nothing much", she has cut her carbon footprint by reducing plastic waste from her supermarket trips. While we often think that climate change requires modern-day solutions, my grandmother's garden reminds us that we can take a page from the past.


Loraine Lee Yen / Singapore

4. It's Time to Solve This Puzzle

Challenges arise over time to rethink and reflect on society and the planet. The situation we have been through is one of those moments that we should use to put the missing pieces together. We must put the broken pieces together and rebuild a more sustainable planet, preserving the environment and solving part of the problems of which we are guilty.



5. Recycling Makes Good Business Sense

Recycling saves earth's resources, provides work to many people mainly in the unorganized sector, and can be a profitable business too! Material like glass and metal can be melted, reshaped and recycled. They could be repurposed and also up-cycled into useful products. Segregated waste material helps in ensuring its efficient use.


Yogeshwaran Rajagopaal / India

6. Save the Octopus

We started this project knowing the needs of our island, Andros, Greece. It seemed to be a simple school trip at the beginning. However, when we eventually took action, we found out how much we underestimated the pollution of our seas. Through our Nature Art project, we want to raise awareness for the devastating situation in the Mediterranean sea, where marine life is gradually 'drowned'.


Vasiliki Lembesi, Irene Marini, Michaela Eftyhia Syrigou, Athanasios Spyridon Panagiotopoulos, Styliani Petraki / Greece



7. Sustainable Surfer

The photograph represents my whanau's (family) spiritual connection with the land and oceans of Aotearoa (New Zealand). For Maori people wai (water) is the essence of all life and all water has mauri (life force). Rubbish accumulating on beaches threatens aquatic life. This is my sister at the break of dawn playing her part in cleaning up the beaches and recycling. Small regular acts do matter.

8. Sweet Destruction

We are ruining the earth for our own short time happiness. We are licking up the earth, and it’s sweet resources just like ice cream. If we don’t want the earth and the life on it to die we need to stop consuming and producing so much at the earth’s cost. Let’s enjoy our sweet and beautiful earth responsibly.



9. The End of the World

I often visit the national parks in Montenegro and photograph what catches my attention like this - the remains of a boat, a missing lake, cracked earth in the middle of Biogradska gora. Obviously, nature is calling for help. It is up to us to react as soon as possible in order to postpone the "end of the world".


Djordje Pejović / Montenegro

10. Footprint



This photo was taken on a family trip in Hadera forest. It represents the negative effect humans have on Earth. Like this shoe, people leave their footprints all over the planet and it's hurting nature for a long time. The idea behind the photo is to inspire people to preserve nature - our most valuable resource. Let's leave only positive footprints!


