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FEE and General Motors sign a Partnership Agreement to run the Pilot Yeat of the Eco-Green Project

DATE - February 10, 2017

Copenhagen, 09 February  2017 - The Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) and General Motors (GM) have signed a Sponsorship Agreement to build together a strong Global Environmental Educational Project. The project name is Eco-Green Project, which be launched in Brazil February 2017 and in three other countries throughout the world (Germany, Poland and Spain) in September 2017.

The project aims to engage LEAF member countries alongside GM facilities in a drive to improve sustainability in local communities. Together they develop goals and action plans that result in on-the-ground school and community actions for a sustainable future. 

The emphasis will be on General Motor’s sustainability topics and FEE’s environmental educational programmes, and will include topics such as water, biodiversity, forests, healthy living and eco-system services. During the Pilot Year, the project will focus on the theme, Forests and Water. 

Objectives of the project

  • Ensure students learn to enjoy the outdoors, experience and observe
  • Increase awareness about Forests and Water and ensure students are capable of making decisions on environmental issues
  • Develop young people as advocates for conservation & promotion of local environmental and biodiversity actions – ensure students take responsibility for their future
  • Develop a project that is easy to apply to all types of educational facilities
  • Promote critical thinking by ‘learn by doing’ study approach
  • Select science based resources to allow teachers to promote environmental education activities

Who can participate? Schools will be selected by the National Operator in each of the participating countries.

If you are representing a school from one of the participating countries, and your school is interested in joining project, please contact your National Operator directly. Contact details can be found on LEAF or Eco-Schools websites on the 'Contact' page.

More information about the project can be found on the Eco-Green Project website.